Come and chat with Foxy and Husk
This summer, Foxy and Husk are travelling across the UK doing research for their new show Fox Symphony which premieres at Camden People’s Theatre in November.
Fox Symphony is inspired by Foxy’s brother, who is attempting to renounce his British citizenship in favour of being Singaporean. Foxy is investigating what drives us to seek and identify with a community and how that effects how we see ourselves.
For the research, Foxy is inviting you to share your relationship (or lack of relationship) to a community. This could be any kind of community, one based around; family, nation, race, a social group, an activity, or anything else you associate as a community of significance.
If you have something you would like to share with Foxy, email info@foxyandhusk.com for more information and to arrange a time to chat.
Foxy will be available in London to chat from the 1st – 18th August and in Brighton from 20-22nd August.